Joy Of Oiling Says Thanks To Covid-19 Front-Liners!

Joy Of Oiling Says Thanks To Covid-19 Front-Liners!

As a token of gratitude and appreciation towards the medical staff who have been working hard for the Covid-19 pandemic, the founders of Joy of Oiling ( - Plant Therapy Malaysia Authorized Wholesaler, Vivien Pang and Ashley Pang, handed over gifts to Mr Pang , the representative of Tawau General Hospital. The products presented are AromaFuse Diffuser, NovaFuse Diffuser, and a series of 100% pure and natural essential oils from a brand originated from USA named Plant Therapy.

These donated items will be placed in the breakrooms of the medical staff so as to make the ambience of the rooms more soothing and comforting. With the aid of aromatherapy, it is hoped that our medical staff from Tawau Hospital could reap the benefits from aromatherapy — relieving tension and promoting physical and mental healthiness.

In addition, some products will also be placed in the palliative care ward. It is hoped that through aromatherapy, it would effectively deal with discomfort of patients caused by health issues, thereby helping them to soothe and re-engage pleasure in life.


Sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada kakitangan perubatan yang bekerja keras semasa wabak Covid-19, pengasas Joy of Oiling ( - Plant Therapy Malaysia Authorized Wholesaler, Vivien Pang and Ashley Pang, menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Mr Pang, wakil Hospital Tawau. Produk-produk yang diderma merupakan AromaFuse Diffuser, NovaFuse Diffuser, koleksi minyak essential yang 100% asli dan semulajadi.

Produk yang disumbangkan ini akan ditempatkan di bilik rehat kakitangan perubatan supaya menjadikan suasana bilik rehat mereka lebih selesa dan menenangkan. Dengan bantuan aromaterapi, diharapkan kakitangan perubatan dapat melepaskan ketegangan kerja dan meningkatkan kesihatan fizikal dan mental.

Di samping itu, beberapa produk juga akan diletakkan di wad penjagaan paliatif. Diharapkan aromaterapi dapat secara berkesan menyelesaikan ketidakselesaan yang disebabkan oleh banyak masalah kesihatan, sehingga membantu melegakan mood dan memulihkan kesihatan.


为了感谢和慰劳为新冠肺炎疫情而辛劳工作的医护人员,Joy of Oiling - Plant Therapy 马来西亚受权批发零售商之创办人Vivien Pang 和Ashley Pang 赠送斗湖中央医院旗下代理的美国著名100%纯天然精油Plant Therapy品牌之产品。

所赠送的产品有AromaFuse香薰扩散器, NovaFuse 香薰扩散器,
100%纯天然精油 Pure and Natural Essential Oils系列,并由斗湖中央医院代表Mr Pang代收。


此外,部分产品将放置在姑息治疗病房(palliative care ward)中,希望通过芳香疗法来让病患者有效解决许多由治疗引起不适的健康问题,从而有助于舒缓情绪和恢复健康。


May 5, 2020 by Ashley P.